This research is led by Professor. Sen-Ching Cheung at University of Kentucky. For more information, please see his webpage. Here is a descripion of secure image processing copied from his research group page.
The proliferation of imaging and storage devices and the ubiquitous presence of computer networks make sharing of visual data easier than ever. Such pervasive exchange of visual data, however, has increasingly raised questions on how sensitive visual information can be protected. In this research, we aim at developing a computing framework so that distrusted parties on a network can keep their imagery data private but at the same time collaborate with each other on a distributed image processing task.
- J. Zhao, S. Cheung, T. Nguyen, "Optimal Camera Network Configurations for Visual Tagging", submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 10/31/2007, (Manuscript # DPVN.118, (10/31/07)
- S. Cheung and T. Nguyen, "Secure Multiparty Computation between Distrusted Networks Terminals," EURASIP Journal on Information Security (to appear)
- Nan Hu, S. Cheung, T. Nguyen, "Secure Image Filtering," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Oct, 2006.