Recent development of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technologies has lead to many cost effective and highly scalable systems for content distribution and multimedia streaming. That said, building P2P networks for efficient data dissemination, streaming, and searching are challenging. In this research, we investigate topologies and protocols for fast data dissemination, fast content search, robustness to peer failure, and peer incentive to join the network.
- D. Tran, T. Nguyen, "A Random Projection Approach to Subscription Covering Detection in Publish/Subsribe Systems", IEEE CollaborateCom, 2007
- T. Nguyen, K. Kolazhi, R. Kamath, S. Cheung, D. Tran, "Efficient Multimedia Distribution in Source Constraint Networks, " IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (to appear)
- D. Nguyen, T. Nguyen, Y. Xue, "Multimedia Streaming Using Network Coding," IEEE Packet Video Workshop, 2007
- K. Nguyen, T. Nguyen, S. Cheung, "Peer-to-Peer Streaming with Hierarchical Network Coding," IEEE International Conference on Multmedia and Expo, 2007
- T. Nguyen, K. Kolazhi, R. Kamath, S. Cheung, "Efficient Video Dissemination Using Structured Hybrid P2P Networks," IEEE International Conference of Multimedia and Expo, 2006, Invited Paper
- T. Nguyen, D. Tran, S. Cheung, "Efficient P2P Data Dissemination in a Homogeneous Capacity Network Using Structured Mesh," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Services Access Networks, June 2005, Invited Paper