Math 314 - Calculus of Several Variables - Spring 2022
Class Information
Instructor: Tuan Pham
Class meetings: MWF 2:00 - 3:50 PM at TMCB 112.
Class meeting may be livestreamed/recorded upon request: Zoom link,
camera control (ask instructor for code).
[Learning Suite]
[Class Schedule]
[Homework Schedule]
Office Hours
MWF: 1:00 - 2:00 PM, 4:00 - 4:30 PM at TMCB 316 (in person)
Tu,Th: 2:00 - 3:00 PM on Zoom: office hours Zoom link
Homework is to be submitted on Learning Suite. The schedule of homework assignments is in a link above.
Online assignments are given on WebAssign (link above).
Lecture notes
Lecture 20 (Jun 13): surface integral, Review for Final
Lecture 19 (Jun 10): curl and divergence, surface parametrization, tangent plane
Lecture 18 (Jun 8): fundamental theorem of Multivariable Calculus; Green's theorem
Lecture 17 (Jun 6): line integral of scalar function and vector field
Lecture 16 (Jun 3): spherical coordinates; vector fields
Lecture 15 (Jun 1): change of variables; cylindrical coordinates
Lecture 14 (May 27): double integral using polar coordinates; triple integral
Lecture 13 (May 25): double integral over a general region
Lecture 12 (May 23): classification of critical points, double integral
Lecture 11 (May 20): optimization problems
Lecture 10 (May 18): directional derivatives, Review for midterm
Lecture 9 (May 16): chain rule and directional derivatives
Lecture 8 (May 13): tangent plane and differentials
Lecture 7 (May 11): limits and partial derivatives
Lecture 6 (May 9): motion problems; domain, range, graph, level sets, limit of a multivariable function
Lecture 5 (May 6): length, curvature, torsion
Lecture 4 (May 4): curves, limits and derivative of a vector function
Lecture 3 (May 2): planes, lines, quadratic surfaces
Lecture 2 (Apr 29): dot product and cross product
Lecture 1 (Apr 27): introduction, points, shapes, vectors
Supplement materials
Sketch a region after a change of variable using Mathematica
Solution to the midterm exam
Find line and surface integrals using Mathematica
Find integrals using Mathematica
Optimization under constraints
Plot regions and level sets
Plot surfaces and curves on Mathematica
Access and first experiments on Mathematica
Mathematics Labroom (for help or tutoring service)
Department of Mathematics
| This page was last modified on Monday, Jun 13, 2022.