CS450/550: Introduction to Computer Graphics
Course Handouts
Homework Assignments
Programming Assignments
Viewgraphs for Lectures
- Part 1. Introduction. Drawing
lines on raster displays using Bresenham's algorithm. Windows and
viewports. Introduction to class hierarchy. Filling polygons.
Bresenham's algorithm for drawing circles.
- Part 2. 2D line clipping.
Polygon clipping. 2D transformations and homogeneous coordinates.
- Part 3. 3D coordinate systems
and transformations. Projections: Orthogonal, perspective, and
perspective depth transformation. The view transformation.
Triangular meshes. 3D polygon clipping. Backface elimination.
- Part 4. Color and
Illumination. How the eye sees colors. CIE chromaticity diagram.
RGB and CYMK color displays. Converting between CIE, RBG, and CYMK.
HSV and HLS. Illumination and reflection. Diffuse reflection
(ambient light and point sources). Specular reflection. Phongs rule.
- Part 5. Painter's algorithm
and depth-sorting methods.
- Part 6. Introduction to the
IBM Visualization Data Explorer (DX).
- Part 7. Warnock's algorithm.
Z-buffering. Phong Shading.
- Part 8. Space partitioning
trees. Ray Tracing: polygons, spheres, shadows, reflection, refraction.
- Part 9. Constructive solid
geometry. Anti-aliasing by oversampling.
- Part 10. Texture mapping, bump
mapping, radiosity.
IBM Data Explorer Laboratory Exercises
MPEG Movies
Tom Dietterich, tgd@cs.orst.edu