Prof. Cao's Q&A
As a
recent graduate, I went through a few periods of questioning
about research interests, career paths, life goals, etc. I
hope to use this section to answer the same questions a
student may have. The list will grow longer as time goes.
Note: 1) I will be as objective as possible, and 2) this is
only my personal advice and does not reflect the university's
official guidance.
A: Let's be realistic - if you are asking this question, you are probably not sure if you want to commit to a research oriented career. First of all, I want to assure you that a research career can exist both in industry and academia. I think if you really want a true power electronics career right after school, you probably want to do a PhD. Power electronics is a very comprehensive subject that requires several domains of knowledge and years of experience. An MS can get you a job but more likely in a side field, such as test engineering, basic circuit design, application engineering, etc. Most true power electronics job positions you can find are senior levels and have 5+ years experience kinds of wording, which a PhD will get you. To be honest, I tried to find a power electronics job after MS, but no luck. After I was in the PhD program, many opportunities came up, even as internships, and they possibly come to knock on your door themselves. Another point - unlike many other fields in which PhD may sound very academic, power electronics PhD life is very fun because much research work is industry relevant, and some projects are directly funded by industry. These skills are readily applicable after graduation, whether you choose industry or academia. Another major difference will be the salary and opportunity cost. Fresh MS graduates typically make $80-90k/yr in most places ($100k+ possible in high-cost cities). Fresh PhD graduates typically make $100-120k/yr in most places ($130-150k+ possible in high-cost cities), plus bonus/stock/retirement benefits (another $20-50k value), etc. PhD's do miss out 2-3 years of major income during the extra school years, but the difference should be made up pretty quickly once working full time. PhD's also tend to climb the corporate ladder faster, but MS/MBA can still do depending on the person's ability. Last is about the study length. A direct BS-to-PhD may finish in 4-5 years focusing on a defined topic, whereas a returning PhD route (work after MS first and then come back) may still require an extra 3-4 years (total 5-6 years including MS) because the research momentum needs to start over.
Should one study power electronics or power systems?
A: I struggled on this question a lot back then. The widely
acceptable answer is if you like software and math, choose
power systems, or if you like hardware and hands on, choose
power electronics. I think it is partially true because power
electronics and power systems are merging, and many
applications require knowledge of both. Based on my
experience, there is still much software/modeling/math work in
power electronics based systems, but you need to be OK with
lab work. Some traditional power electronics work requires you
to make circuit boards or spin motors or program controllers.
Power ranges from hundreds of watts to megawatts. On the other
hand, in power systems, you are basically on paper all the
time - mostly modeling and coding, dealing with kV or higher
systems. In terms of job placement, power electronics can land
you in a variety of industry fields, including EV, aerospace,
renewable energy, energy services, consumer electronics,
semiconductors, oil/gas, mining/metal, modeling software, etc.
For power systems, some of my friends went to ISO's,
utilities, energy services, software, and financial sectors.
Sample power-related job titles and companies can be found on
In the end, I want to congratulate you on choosing a power
career. It is a long-lasting experience-based career that
solves humanity-wide energy issues. Although the current
salary may not be as attractive as that of a hot CS software
job, the job security is high, skill is always in demand, and
the salary grows steadily even when you past age 60.
What are some factors one may overlook when selecting a
graduate school?
A: 1) Location - This is the biggest factor I didn't
think about carefully when I applied to graduate schools, but
it is actually vital to your career path and lifestyle. For
career, ideally the school is close to where the jobs are
because companies usually send multiple recruiting teams to
nearby states. If you look at job placement surveys, majority
of the graduates stay in-state or go to nearby states. Many of
my friends (including myself) traveled across country to land
jobs on the west coast - isn't it better just close by? For
lifestyle, you are going to spend a significant length of 4-5
years for a PhD, why not somewhere beautiful with mild weather
(not cold in winter or hot in summer) and access to mountains
and beaches? Trust me you will get uneasy for your research
from time to time, so a suitable place nearby to vent that
frustration will be almost necessary. In my opinion, a college
town within 1-2 hours from a major city is the best. A college
town usually has affordable housing (~half of the cost as in
big cities) and short commute (saving up to 1 hour a day!).
You will have the peace of mind and all the essentials, and
just go to the big city for a weekend getaway for better
foods, entertainment, and big-brand shopping.
2) Not all about ranking - University-wide,
college-wide and even specific major rankings do not really
accurately reflect the individual research program/group's
quality. There are many factors behind the ranking that do
not have direct relationships with the research, such as
admission rate, retention rate, graduation rate, donation
dollar, etc. It is probably true that a highly-ranked school
is great overall, but it doesn't mean a research program
within a highly-ranked school is always good, and a research
program within a relatively lower-ranked school is not good.
The power and energy programs, for example, are a niche area
that only a handful universities have and are good at. Some
highly-ranked schools (e.g., Harvard) have a power program
but that may not be the best. OSU's power program was well
established since 1980's and has been running strong with a
lot of investment. It is a well-reputed power program in the
North American academic and industry circle. This reputation
is much more important than a USnews ranking. By the
way, OSU Electrical Engineering USnews ranking is about
#50-55 nationally (this ranking is through a paid
subscription list that's not free to public). For
a "power" program ranking, we estimate OSU at top 15
nationally and top 3 on the west coast.
Perhaps a more relevant ranking is by National Science
Foundation's (NSF) annual research funding awards (,
which directly measures a university's research activities
and quality. OSU has been steadily ranked among the top 10
over the years, and oftentimes beats the big named schools.
Career objectives - If you want to get into industry
or national labs after PhD, the school's ranking is not
really that important; what's more important: a) your
research area, skillsets, and accomplishment; b) your own
or adviser's connection; c) location close to those jobs.
Within industry choices, if you want to go to more of
OEM's (e.g., Tesla, Apple, Amazon, etc. but search what is
OEM), you may want more of a "power electronics systems"
research area as the employers have a focus on system
integration. If a research group's area is more on the
component/circuit level, usually the job placement is more
of in first-tier or second-tier suppliers (e.g., TI,
ABB, Eaton, etc.). These are general observations, but of
course there are crossovers. Personally I know a friend
who worked on high-efficiency high-density power
electronics circuits in PhD, but he is now doing modeling
and control of microgrids for an OEM. Last, if you want to
get into academia (i.e., professor), then school's ranking
and adviser's reputation can matter. However, this does
not mean a graduate from a lower ranked school or with a
young adviser does not stand a chance. It's more about the
individual's capability, and there is always an
opportunity to do a Postdoc in an elite university/group.
For example, my previous postdoc was recommended to UIUC
and later got recruited by Ohio State Univ. Also there are
many lesser-known but good local or regional universities
who are happy to hire a professor in power and energy
directly after a PhD without a postdoc.
4) Access to adviser and facilities -
It is critical to meet your adviser 1-1 often and
productively. I'd say 45-60 min per week is preferred. To me
an ideal research group size is 5-8 students for whom I can
have enough time to give detailed attentions. Does the adviser
really care about the student's career growth? Also does the
group already have enough lab space for every student as well
as large-scaled equipment (say kW's to 100 kW's) so that the
student can immediately focus on the lab work instead of
worrying about long-lead lab constructions? Does the
department have high-quality faculty members in other areas
(within Power and outside)?
5) Group culture and potential - After all, you want to
enjoy your time inside and outside the research group. Is the
research group diverse and collaborative? What is the
work-life balance and vacation policy? Is there sufficient
amount of independence? For the group's potential, is the
adviser still active in the professional community, actively
publishing, taking service roles, and gaining broader
networks? Are the research topics emerging and representing
the needs of the state-of-the-art?
6) Professor's potential research areas - When
I meet students at conferences, often they like to ask "What's
your research area, what projects do you have?" This is a hard
question to be honest, because i) almost all professors cover
several different research areas, so as long as the professor
is not too far from your interest (e.g., magnetic design
professor vs. microgrid control student), you should consider
working with him/her; ii) a professor's current projects do
not necessarily indicate that his/her (and your) future
projects will be in the same area, so don't limit yourself to
what you just assume.
How important are test scores and GPA?
A: A high quantitative score is an obvious requirement as a
graduate engineering student. Beyond that, personally I
value great writing ability (GRE more on the reasoning and
TOEFL more on the fluency) followed by speaking skills (for
international students). Of course, there are also other
ways to demonstrate these, such as in the statement and
during a conversation. GPA is important, but I do look more
closely at your EE courses' grades.
What is your advising style?
A: This is a tough question, and I don't want to categorize
myself to a particular type. Given my diverse background -
mixed education in China and the US, several industry jobs,
and under different advisers and supervisors, I'd say I would
deliver a hybrid advising style that suits you. Most of my
past advisers are more hands-off (or high-level guidance), and
I want to stick to that type if possible. However, it will be
a lie if I tell you that your life will be comfortable - one
is this hurts you in the long run, and another is this is not
possible for a tenure-track assistant professor. In my
experience, students advised by younger professors do output
more results, and it really helps the students in the long
run. Described
on my other pages though, I do value the importance of
work-life balance and self-motivation. I meet all
of my students 1-1 for 45-60 min per week and give
everyone plenty of attention. We also have an attractive
vacation policy.