News & Announcements
An IEEE JESTPE paper on "Soft Turn-Off DC Solid-State
Circuit Breakers" is accepted, a collaboration with Drexel
Funded! Our Energy Group is part of a DOE GRIP $50M project
led by Portland General Electric, working on accelerating
and deploying grid-edge computing. (OSU co-PI)
An IEEE Trans. Industry Applications paper on "Three-Level
T-type Converter for Aircraft Turboelectric Propulsion
Systems" is accepted, a collaboration with Univ. of
Prof. Cao received the prestigious university-wide Promising
Scholar Award given to one junior faculty annually.
Our group's 6 submitted ECCE papers all got accepted!
Prof. Cao gave multiple talks at U. Michigan Ann Arbor, Ohio
State U., Purdue, UC Berkeley, and U Washington Seattle.
Congrats to PhD student Derek on the ARPA-E SUMMIT student
An IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion paper on "power converter
lifetime improvement for turbine array generation" is
semi-review semi-opportunity article on "capacitive wireless
power transfer" is accepted to IEEE Trans. Transportation
Electrification, a collaboration with Drexel Univ.
Prof. Cao is now an IEEE Senior Member.
First PhD student defended! Very proud of Alastair Thurlbeck
who will start his dream job/location as a fulltime research
engineer at NREL (US DOE National Renewable Energy Lab) in
Denver, Colorado.
VIP visit! US DOE Secretary Granholm, US Senator Wyden
(Oregon), US Senator Merkley (Oregon), Oregon Governor
Brown, visited our Pacific Marine Energy Center!
A high-impact REVIEW article on "aircraft distributed
electric propulsion" is accepted to IEEE Trans.
Transportation Electrification, a collaboration with Univ.
of Kentucky.
Prof. Cao delivered an invited 1-hour keynote at IFEC 2022
(IEEE International Future Energy Challenge) sponsored by
the IEEE Power Electronics Society.
Prof. Cao was selected into the National Academy of
Engineering (NAE) Frontier of Engineering (FOE) program.
Each year only 100 US early-career engineers and scientists
are chosen from academia, industry, government across all
engineering fields.
Funded! Our Energy Group is going to lead a $1.93M DOE Water
Office project on flexible hydropower plus storage. (OSU
Our group has 6 student-authored conference papers accepted
in the past month: 1 ITEC, 2 ECCE, 3 PEDG.
Congrats to MS student Trenton on graduation and joining
Daimler Trucks North America in Portland! (Daimler is the
parent company of Mercedes Benz)
An IEEE Trans. Industry Applications paper on reliability
modeling for fault-tolerant electric propulsion is accepted!
Prof. Cao received the prestigious NSF CAREER award. (Project
lead PI)
Prof. Cao is appointed as an Associate Editor of IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications.
We are part of a $25.8M DOE Vehicles Office Supertruck
project, collaborating with Daimler Trucks North America. (OSU
Lead PI)
Congrats to MS student Trenton on accepting a full-time
offer at Daimler Trucks North America in Portland! (Daimler
is the parent company of Mercedes Benz)
Prof. Cao is appointed as the Special Sessions Chair of ECCE
Prof. Cao was the Tutorials Chair for ECCE 2021 and also
organized a special session/panel on "Booming the Blue
Economy: A New Era for Wave and Hydrokinetic Energy".
Invited panelists included DOE managers and industry senior
An IEEE Trans. Transportation Electrification paper on
machine learning enabled design automation and optimization
is accepted!
We are part of a $4.5M NAVFAC marine facilities project,
collaborating with Univ. of Washington. (OSU
Prof. Cao successfully completed the Mid-Tenure review by the
College of Engineering. Still more work to do for the
We are part of a $400k NETL geoscience/pulsed-power project. (OSU
Prof. Cao completed a full year of remote teaching,
including one new course on Advanced Motor Drives. He received
an average of 5.7 (out of 6) teaching evaluation for the three
courses this year. Notably, class enrollment was up by 33%,
120%, 150% for the 60-, 55-, 20-student classes.
First-ever Postdoc Niraja moved onto a Senior Postdoc at UIUC
with Prof. Kiruba Haran. Congrats!
First-ever PhD student Alastair passed the Prelim. First-ever
MS (independent advised) student Derek finished the MS defense
and moves onto PhD. Congrats!
Two ECCE 2021 papers accepted. One SDEMPED 2021 paper
accepted. All first authored by advised students. Congrats!
Prof. Cao gave an invited IEEE PELS webinar on "Machine
Learning Enabled Design Automation and Optimization for
Electric Transportation Power Systems", collaborating with
Prof. Jana Doppa of Washington State Univ.
Prof. Cao was featured in media
coverage 1 and media
coverage 2 about his recent DOE projects.
Funded! We are part of a $1.5M DOE ARPA-E LOCOMOTIVES railway
electrification project, collaborating with NCSU. (OSU
Lead PI)
An IEEE JESTPE journal paper on distributed solar MPPT is
One APEC 2021 paper got accepted.
Congrats to BS student Bailey on the internship offer at
Tektronix (Beaverton/Portland) for Summer 2021.
Congrats to PhD student Alastair on the return internship
offer at Amazon Prime Air (Seattle) for Summer 2021.
Funded! We are part of a $1.5M DOE EERE Water Office wave
energy microgrid project, collaborating with U of Alaska. (OSU
Funded! We are part of a $1.5M DOE EERE Water Office wave
energy converter project, collaborating with U of Washington.
Funded! We are part of a $3.9M DOE ARPA-E SHARKS hydrokinetic
project, collaborating with Univ. of Michigan. (OSU
Lead PI)
Funded! We are awarded two projects on rural-area
grid/microgrid power electronics + energy storage solutions,
sponsored by Portland General Electric. (Project
Lead PI)
Prof. Cao is appointed as Awards Chair of the new IEEE PELS
Technical Committee #11 - Aerospace Power.
An IEEE TTE journal paper on battery self heating is
published, a collaboration with Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.
Prof. Cao will give an invited IEEE PELS / TEC webinar (8/19)
on "Heavy-duty All-electric Urban Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)".
Funded! We will investigate futuristic motor drive's
potentials, sponsored by the Grainger Foundation. (Project
Lead PI)
A high-impact REVIEW article is accepted to IEEE Trans.
Transportation Electrification special issue on MEA.
Five (5) ECCE papers will appear in October. Special congrats
to MS student Derek on the Travel Award.
Prof. Cao taught 3 courses for 3 quarters in 2019/20 and
received 5.9 (out of 6) overall teaching scores across the
Funded! Prof. Cao was awarded Oregon State Learning Innovation
Grant for transformative education. (Project
Lead PI)
Congrats to PhD student Alastair on the summer internship at
Amazon Prime Air, Seattle, WA.
Congrats to MS student Trenton on the summer internship at
Microsemi (Microchip) in Bend, OR.
Prof. Cao received 5.9 (out of 6) overall teaching score for
Fall 2019 Power Electronics.
Prof. Cao was appointed as Tutorials/Industry Chair for ECCE
2021 in Vancouver Canada.
Prof. Cao was featured in media
Congrats to student Trenton on receiving the prestigious
IEEE PES Scholarship!
Undergrad student Trenton's APEC paper got accepted.
Prof. Cao served as a review panelist for DOE SETO ($20M)
and NSF SBIR ($1.2M).
Prof. Cao taught Power Electronics in Spring 2019 and
received 5.6/6 overall rating.
Congrats to MS student Kyle on his new degree. He will join
John Deere as a powertrain engineer.
Congrats to PhD student Alastair on the ITEC student travel
Funded! We are collaborating with Amazon Prime Air working
on the next generation UAV delivery propulsion systems. (Project
Lead PI)
Prof. Cao taught Electric Vehicles in Winter 2019 and
received 5.5/6 overall rating.
Students Alastair and Kyle each have their conference papers
accepted at ITEC 2019. Congrats!
Prof. Cao is a Panel Chair at ITEC 2019 in Detroit, covering
a topic of Aviation Power Systems.
Prof. Cao taught a new course, Advanced Power Electronics,
in Fall 2018 and received 5.3/6 overall rating. He is now
teaching Electric Vehicles in Winter 2019.
Prof. Cao was appointed as an Associate Editor of IEEE
Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Cao was invited on a panel at PES-GM 2018 in Portland,
Prof. Cao started at OSU from August 2018. University
official website
Prof. Cao is now co-chairing Industry, Tutorials, and Local
Arrangements for ECCE 2018 in Portland, Oregon.
news on OSU's $40M DOE grant for wave energy
[6/12] Dr. Cao started working at Amazon
Prime Air as Research Scientist in the propulsion
system group.
[5/4] Dr. Cao successfully passed his Ph.D.
dissertation "Power
electronics implementation of dynamic thermal storage as
effective inertia in large energy systems". Committee
members: Prof. Philip Krein (adviser), Prof. Andrew Alleyne,
Prof. Kiruba Haran, and Prof. Robert Pilawa.