Past Students

PhD Students

Alastair Thurlbeck
joined the group as a PhD student in September 2018. He received an MEng degree with honours of the 1st class in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK, in May 2018. Alastair’s MEng degree project was undertaken with Curtis Instruments in Livermore, CA, USA. In addition to his 5 month project with Curtis Instruments, Alastair has been a summer intern with Arqiva in Winchester, UK in 2015 and was a project assistant with the University of Glasgow in the summer of 2018. Alastair was awarded the Gilbert Cook Prize in 2018, the William Dawson Bursary in 2015 and the Reid Foster prize in 2014 by the University of Glasgow. Alastair was a recipient of the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship throughout his MEng degree, awarded by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) in 2013. He had two-time internship with Amazon Prime Air in Seattle, Washington, in 2020 and 2021.
Alastair completed the PhD in September 2022 and moved onto a full-time Research Scientist position at the DOE National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) in Denver, Colorado.

Postdoc Scholars

Dr. Niraja Swaminathan joined the group as a Postdoctoral Fellow from Nov. 2019. She received MS/PhD in Electrical Engineering with Dr. Lakshminarasamma at Indian Institute of Technology - Madras (IITM), India, in 2019. She received BS in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Anna University, India, in 2012 and was awarded the 13th rank among 5418 candidates graduated. She was a recipient of a SERIIUS - MAGEEP award to pursue collaborative work with a SERIIUS partner organization in 2014. Dr. Niraja has been an invited reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IET Power Electronics and IEEE Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society - IECON since 2018. Her current research interests include solar PV/battery fed power conditioners, digital control for power converters, and maximum power point tracking for solar PV fed applications.
Niraja completed the term in June 2021 and moved onto University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign as a Senior Postdoc while still chasing the dream to become a faculty member.

MS Students

Saad Shaikh joined the group as a M.S. student in Fall 2021. He graduated in Electrical Engineering from the College of Engineering Pune, India, in Summer 2021. He has done internships in Varroc, Larsen & Toubro, and Bajaj Auto where he worked on onboard chargers, medium voltage switchboards, and magnetic circuit designs. His research interests are power electronics, electric vehicles, microcontrollers, magnetic circuits, and power systems. His leisure activities are reading, driving, and following motorsports.

Saad completed MS in June 2023 and moved onto PhD study at McMaster University in Canada.

Trenton Kilgore joined the group in January 2019 as an undergraduate assistant and graduated with BS-EE in 2020, and is now an MS student. Trenton was awarded the IEEE PES Scholarship for the 2019/2020 school year. He is focusing his studies on power electronics and thermal management, with a specific focus on SiC semiconductors. He had an internship with Microsemi/Microchip in Bend, Oregon, in 2020, where he gained experience in SiC devices.
Outside of his career, he enjoys traveling, hiking, and working on classic cars.
Trenton completed MS in March 2022 and moved onto a full-time electrical engineer position at Daimler Trucks North America in Portland, OR (Daimler is the parent company of Mercedes-Benz).

Derek Jackson joined the group in September 2019. He attended Oregon State University and received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science. Derek’s research interests are focused on power electronics related to electric vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles, including electric motors and drives. He participated in the MECOP dual internship program at Daimler Trucks North America (subsidiary of Daimler-Mercedes) and Blount International, both in Portland, Oregon, where he gained experience with power systems. 
Derek completed MS in Spring 2021 and moved onto the PhD program at OSU after passing the qualifying exam at the same time.