Math 334 - Ordinary Differential Equations - Fall 2021
Class Information
Instructor: Tuan Pham
Class meetings:
Section 2: MWF 11:00 - 11:50 AM at JKB 3104.
Section 3: MWF 12:00 - 12:50 PM at JKB 3104.
Class meeting may be livestreamed/recorded upon request: Zoom link,
camera control (ask instructor for code).
[Learning Suite]
[Class Schedule]
[Homework Schedule]
Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday 1:00 - 2:00 PM, Friday 1:30 - 3:00 at 265 TMCB (in person)
Tu 2:30 - 4:00 PM on Zoom: office hours Zoom link
Homework is to be submitted on Learning Suite. The schedule of homework assignments is in a link above.
Optional review problems of each chapter are given on Learning Suite as multiple choice questions.
Lecture notes
Review for Final exam (Dec 8)
Lecture 39 (Dec 6): solving a nonhomogeneous system of ODEs
Lecture 38 (Dec 3): improper nodes, fundamental matrices
Lecture 37 (Dec 1): spiral points, center points
Lecture 36 (Nov 29): classification of equilibrium states: nodes, saddle points
Lecture 35 (Nov 23): classification of equilibrium states
Lecture 34 (Nov 22): linear (in)dependence, solving Y'=AY where A is a constant matrix
Lecture 33 (Nov 19): convert a system of ODEs with constant coefficients into a single ODE
Lecture 32 (Nov 17): solve systems of linear ODEs; differentiate and integrate matrix functions
Lecture 31 (Nov 15): system of ODEs
Lecture 30 (Nov 12): convolution
Lecture 29 (Nov 10): Dirac forcing
Review for Midterm II (Nov 8)
Lecture 28 (Nov 5): vibration with discontinuous forcing
Lecture 27 (Nov 3): Laplace transform of piecewise functions
Lecture 26 (Nov 1): apply Laplace transform to solve ODEs
Lecture 25 (Oct 29): Laplace transform
Lecture 24 (Oct 24): analytic functions (continued)
Lecture 23 (Oct 23): analytic functions
Lecture 22 (Oct 22): power series method to solve ODEs
Lecture 21 (Oct 20): power series
Lecture 20 (Oct 18): linear ODE of n'th order (continued)
Lecture 19 (Oct 15): resonance; linear ODE of n'th order
Lecture 18 (Oct 13): forced vibration
Lecture 17 (Oct 11): mass-spring mechanical vibration
Lecture 16 (Oct 8): variation of parameters
Lecture 15 (Oct 6): method of undetermined coefficients (continued); Correction
Review for Midterm I (Oct 4)
Lecture 14 (Oct 1): method of undetermined coefficients
Lecture 13 (Sep 29): summary of solving linear 2nd oder ODE with constant coefficients; reduction of order
Lecture 12 (Sep 27): characteristic equation with complex roots or double root
Lecture 11 (Sep 24): Abel's theorem; homogeneous linear 2nd ODE; Correction
Lecture 10 (Sep 22): 2nd order ODE: existence and uniqueness; homogeneous equations with constant coefficients
Lecture 9 (Sep 20): exact differential equations; second order ODE
Lecture 8 (Sep 17): autonomous first order ODE, equilibrium states, phase line
Lecture 7 (Sep 15): existence and uniqueness; autonomous first order ODE
Lecture 6 (Sep 13): compound interest; existence and uniqueness
Lecture 5 (Sep 10): separation of variables; the mixing problem
Lecture 4 (Sep 8): method of integrating factor
Lecture 3 (Sep 3): direction fields
Lecture 2 (Sep 1): examples and classifications of differential equations
Lecture 1 (Aug 30): introduction
Supplement materials
An example on fundamental matrix
Classification of equilibrium states
Clarify an example in class on 11/15/21
Solution to Midterm 2
Finish an example in class on 11/5/21
Finish an example in class on 11/1/21
Hints for Problem 8 and 21 of 6.1
Help with Problem 5 of 5.3
Solution to Midterm 1
Finish an example in class on 10/13/21
Mathematica instructions for Problem 20, HW 11.
Step-by-step solution to an example in class on 9/29/21
Plotting direction fields.
Access and first experiments on Mathematica.
Video lectures on Differential Equations by Prof. Gilbert Strang.
Mathematics Labroom (for help or tutoring service)
Department of Mathematics
 | This page was last modified on Wednesday, December 8, 2021