Oregon State University

CS 391: Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science

Oregon State University, College of Engineering

Chapter 11 ~ Promise of Technology Project

These options are subject to change!


Students in the Honors section of this course will collaborate individually to develop a proposal to eliminate poverty using new technologies.

This project replaces step 9.7 (15 points) and 10.6 (15 points) in the textbook. Participation in weekly working sessions, adequate collaboration in the draft document, participation in the class presentation, and completeness of the deliverable will determine points earned per student.

Students will work in a collaborative Google document, Zoom breakout rooms, MS Teams, Google Sheets, and/or other applications to document research and complete their proposal.

Introduction to the promise made by technology industries.


How is poverty created in...

Review the research and statistics: What are the problems and solutions tried by other groups around the world, and what were the results?

What new idea(s) will contribute to a solution?

Pick a problem and outline a plan of action.

  1. Summarize the Program:
    • Why is the program needed?
    • Who is the audience for the program?
    • What is the problem to solve and the focus of the solution?
    • When is the best time to administer the program?
    • Where would the program take place?
    • How would it be administered?
  2. Provide a list of action items.
  3. Summarize your funding strategy.
  4. Include a spreadsheet of funding options, required materials, and amounts.


Deliver a proposal for the program in a document, slideshow, video, or website. The proposal should address all of the issues in the Summarize the Program list above.

Students will present their progress during week 10 in order to make clarifications and get other feedback from classmates, which can inform their final proposal.

Scoring Criteria

By the end of Week 11, these expectations must be met to earn full points:

  1. Student participated in every working session.
  2. Student provided written research and ideas to the working document and website.
  3. Student participated in the presentation to the class.
  4. Student provided leadership for the group.