Kyle Webb

Course Material







Kyle Webb, Ph.D.

Senior Instructor

Energy Systems Engineering

Engineering Science

College of Engineering


1500 SW Chandler Avenue

Bend, OR 97702


Phone: 541-322-3134

Office: RAYH 301D

ENGR 102: Design Engineering & Problem Solving

Taught using a flipped classroom. Links to course notes and corresponding video modules to be viewed before class are below:

     Class 1: Course Overview

     Class 2: Overview of Electrical Engineering

     Class 3: Electrical Fundamentals

     Fundamental Quantities

     Electrical Circuits

     Electrical Components

     Class 4: Electrical Resistance

     Resistance and Conductance

    Ohm’s Law

     Class 5: Voltage and Current Dividers

     Series and Parallel Circuits

     Voltage Dividers

     Current Dividers

     Class 6: Kirchhoff’s Laws

     Electrical Signals

     Kirchhoff’s Laws

     Class 7: Introduction to Flowcharts

     Algorithmic thinking

     Introduction to flowcharts

     Flowcharts – conditional statements

     Class 8: Flowchart while Loops

     Flowcharts – while loops

     Class 9: Flowchart for Loops

     Flowcharts – for loops

     Flowcharts – nested loops

     Class 10: Introduction to Python

     Class 11: Python Data Types

     Variables and Data Types in Python

     Numeric Data Types

     Non-Numeric Data Types

     Class 12: Math in Python

     Basic Math Operations


     Class 13: Python Scripts

     Python Scripts

     Inputs to Scripts

     Outputs from Scripts

     Class 14: Loops in Python

     Conditional Statements

     while Loops

     for Loops

     Class 15: Energy and Power

     Electrical Energy and Power

     Class 16: Introduction to PV Panels

     Solar Energy and PV Intro

     Sizing a PV System

     PV Characterization – I-V Curves

     Class 17: Analog vs. Digital

     Analog vs. Digital

     Analog-to-Digital Conversion

     Binary Numbers

     Class 18: Batteries


     Class 19: Electrical Machines

     Introduction to Motors

     DC Motor Equivalent Circuit