Math 213 - Elementary Linear Algebra - Fall 2020
Class Information
Instructor: Tuan Pham
Section 10
Class meetings: TTh 4:00 - 4:50 PM at TMCB 159.
[Learning Suite]
Office Hours
MWF 11:30 - 1:00 PM and TTh 2:00 - 3:30 PM on Zoom. The information to join Zoom office hours is as follows:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 442 950 6864
Password: 12345
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
The schedule of written homework is here. It is to be submitted on Gradescope.
The schedule of online homework is here. Assignments are found on WebAssign.
Lecture notes
Lecture 28 (Dec 10): Video, passcode: LU4vS$Wg
Lecture 27 (Dec 8): Video, passcode: 55p%9dmr
Lecture 26 (Dec 3): Video, passcode: cyH.yI8J
Lecture 25 (Dec 1): Video, passcode: S$z1zYJQ
Lecture 24 (Nov 19): Video, passcode: ?PW#8&8C
Lecture 23 (Nov 17): Video, passcode: =j^.bM72
Lecture 22 (Nov 12): Video, passcode: !rwe+0p4
Lecture 21 (Nov 10): Video, passcode: =F3JW#s7
Lecture 20 (Nov 5): Video, passcode: %4RS*782
Extra instruction: Video, passcode: *nL2u5ML
Lecture 19 (Nov 3): Video, passcode: y8Z!8Pup
Extra instruction: Video, passcode: #br$m5G.
Lecture 18 (Oct 29): Video, passcode: Wk=XL&3&
Extra instruction: Video, passcode: #89hj.#L
Lecture 17 (Oct 27): Video, passcode: JRld0^r?
Lecture 16 (Oct 22): Video, passcode: E7rJ7Y^7
Lecture 15 (Oct 20): Video, passcode: k8F%VX%R
Lecture 14 (Oct 15): Video, passcode: g1s#fSR+
Lecture 13 (Oct 13): Video, passcode: 8Tezf%43
Lecture 12 (Oct 8): Video, passcode: h63a^8Rj
Lecture 11 (Oct 6): Video, passcode: ko+9#*ig
Lecture 10 (Oct 1): Video, passcode: auV?1GZk
Lecture 9 (Sep 29): Video, passcode: E&u1=g0u
Lecture 8 (Sep 24): Video, passcode: *n@GpZ4U
Lecture 7 (Sep 22): Video, passcode: 9cE73Hd*
Lecture 6 (Sep 17): Video, passcode: zEU%q2$8
Lecture 5 (Sep 15): Video, passcode: g*3%Ynp@
Lecture 4 (Sep 10): Video, passcode: Xj+#fpw7
Lecture 3 (Sep 8): Video, passcode: XCgn4y3$
Lecture 2 (Sep 3): vectors and algebraic operations. Video, passcode: r95WG41&
Lecture 1 (Sep 1): introduction. Video, passcode: .2k=3.t1
Remarks before / after class
For Final: Practice test 1, Key.
For Final: Practice test 2, Key.
For Final: Practice test 3, Key.
For Final: Practice test 4, Key.
Midterm 2 Key
For Midterm 2: Practice test 1, Key.
For Midterm 2: Practice test 2, Key.
For Midterm 2: Practice test 3, Key.
For Midterm 2: Practice test 4, Key.
For Midterm 1: Practice test 1, Key.
For Midterm 1: Practice test 2, Key.
For Midterm 1: Practice test 3, Key.
For Midterm 1: Practice test 4, Key.
Video lectures on Linear Algebra by Prof. Gilbert Strang.
Recordings of lecture proceedings can be found in Learning Suite. They will not be posted here due to privacy reasons.
Department of Mathematics
Mathematics Labroom (for help or tutoring service)
Discuss with your classmates on Piazza
| This page was last modified on Thursday, December 10, 2020