ECE 352 Signals and Systems II

Midterm 1 is on 04/25/07, Midterm 2 is on 05/18/07

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Dr. Thinh Nguyen (thinhq at eecs dot orst dot edu)
Office: Kelley Engineering Center 3115
Office hours: TTH, 9-10AM, or by appointment

Teaching Assistants

Roderick Whang, ( whangr at eecs dot orst dot edu) Tuan Tran ( trantu at eecs dot orst dot edu) Dong Nguyen ( nguyendo at eecs dot orst dot edu)

Course Description

This course covers analytical techniques for signal, system, and circuit. Please see the syllabus for more details.


Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, second edidtion, John Wiley Publisher.

Prerequisites: ENFORCED PREREQS: ECE 351 OTHER PREREQS: ECE 112 or ECE 272 or ECE 375.



Lab Assignments


Lecture Notes
