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Peter Oliver, Eugene Zhang, and Yue Zhang, "Structure-Aware Simplification for Hypergraph Visualization", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol 31(1), 2025, (IEEE VIS 2024), pp. 667-676.    

Paper | Appendix

Shih-Hsuan, Yue Zhang, and Eugene Zhang, "Global Topology of 3D Symmetric Tensor Fields", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol 30(1), 2024, (IEEE VIS 2023), pp. 1282-1291.    

Paper | Appendix

Jinta Zheng, Eugene Zhang, and Yue Zhang, "Interactive Design and Optics-Based Visualization of Arbitrary Non-Euclidean Kaleidoscopic Orbifolds", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol 30(1), 2024, (IEEE VIS 2023), pp. 1292-1301.    

Paper | Appendix

Peter, Eugene Zhang, and Yue Zhang, "Scalable Hypergraph Visualization", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol 30(1), 2024, (IEEE VIS 2023), pp. 595-605.    

Paper | Appendix

Shih-Hsuan, Yue Zhang, Harry Yeh, and Eugene Zhang, "Feature Curves and Surfaces of 3D Asymmetric Tensor Fields", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol 28(1), 2022, (IEEE VIS 2021, Best Paper Award), pp. 33-42.    

Paper | Appendix | Program

Botong Qu, Eugene Zhang, and Yue Zhang, "Automatic Polygon Layout for Primal-Dual Visualization of Hypergraphs", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 28(1), 2022, (IEEE VIS 2021), pp. 633-642.   

Paper | Appendix | Program

Chih-Kuo Yeh, Zhanping Liu, I-Hsuan Lin, Eugene Zhang, and Tong-Yee Lee, "WYSIWYG Design of Hypnotic Line Art", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 28(6), 2022, pp. 2517-2529.   


Tanja Munz, Noel Schaefe, Tanja Blascheck, Kuno Kurzhals, Eugene Zhang, and Daniel Weiskopf, "Comparative Visual Gaze Analysis for Virtual Board Games", 13th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI 2020), Article 11.


Botong Qu, Lawrence Roy, Yue Zhang, and Eugene Zhang, "Mode Surfaces of Symmetric Tensor Fields: Topological Analysis and Seamless Extraction", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 27(2), 2021, (IEEE VIS 2020), pp. 583-592.

Paper | Appendix | Demo Program

Fariba Khan, Lawrence Roy, Eugene Zhang, Botong Qu, Shih-Hsuan Hung, Harry Yeh, Robert S. Laramee, and Yue Zhang, "Multi-Scale Topological Analysis of Asymmetric Tensor Fields on Surfaces", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 26(1), 2020, (IEEE VIS 2019), pp. 270-279.

Paper | Appendix

Lawrence Roy, Prashant Kumar, Yue Zhang, and Eugene Zhang, "Robust and Fast Extraction of 3D Symmetric Tensor Field Topology", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 25(1), 2019, (IEEE VIS 2018), pp. 1102-1111.

Paper | Appendix | Demo Program

Lawrence Roy, Prashant Kumar, Sanaz Golbabaei, Yue Zhang, and Eugene Zhang, "Interactive Design and Visualization of Branched Covering Spaces", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 24(1), 2018, (IEEE VIS 2017), pp. 843-852.

Program | Paper | Appendix

Jonathan Palacios, Lawrence Roy, Prashant Kumar, Chen-Yuan Hsu, Weikai Chen, Chongyang Ma, Li-Yi Wei, and Eugene Zhang, "Tensor Field Design in Volumes", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol 36(6), 2017, (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2017), Article 188.

Program | Paper | Video

Kai Xu, Lintao Zheng, Zihao Yan, Guohang Yan, Eugene Zhang, Matthias Niessner, Oliver Deussen, Daniel Cohen-Or, and Hui Huang, "Autonomous Reconstruction of Unknown Indoor Scenes Guided by Time-varying Tensor Fields", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 36(6), 2017, (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2017), Article 202.

Paper | Appendix

Yu-Chi Lai, Bo-An Chen, Kuo-Wei Chen, Wei-Lin Si, Chih-Yuan Yao, and Eugene Zhang, "Data-Driven NPR Illustrations of Natural Flows in Chinese Painting", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 23(12), 2017, pp. 2535-2549.


Bernhard Jenny, Daniel Stephen, Ian Muehlenhaus, Brooke Marston, Ritesh Sharma, Eugene Zhang, and Helen Jenny, "Force-directed layout of origin-destination flow maps", International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol 31(8), 2017, pp. 1521-1540.


Bernhard Jenny, Daniel Stephen, Ian Muehlenhaus, Brooke Marston, Ritesh Sharma, Eugene Zhang, and Helen Jenny, "Design Principles for Origin-Destination Flow Maps", Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2016, pp. 1-15.


Jonathan Palacios, Harry Yeh, Wenping Wang, Yue Zhang, Robert S. Laramee, Ritesh Sharma, Thomas Schultz, and Eugene Zhang, "Feature Surfaces in Symmetric Tensor Fields Based on Eigenvalue Manifold", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 22(3), 2016, pp. 1248-1260.


Yongshuai Chen, Eugene Zhang, and Harry Yeh, "Laboratory Experiments on Counter-Propagating Collisions of Solitary Waves. Part 2. Flow Field ", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol 755, 2014, pp. 463-484.


Youyi Zheng, Chiew-Lan Tai, Eugene Zhang, and Penfei Xu, "Pairwise Harmonics for Shape Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 19(7), 2013, pp. 1172-1184.


Cornelia Auer, Jens Kasten, Andrea Kratz, Eugene Zhang, and Ingrid Hotz, "Automatic, Tensor-Guided Illustrative Vector Field Visualization", PacificVis 2013, 2013, pp. 265-275.


Guoning Chen, Vivek Kwatra, Li-Yi Wei, Charles Hansen, and Eugene Zhang, "Design of 2D Time-Varying Vector Fields", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 18(10), 2012, pp.1717-1730.

Project Page (with source code) | Paper

Matthew Edumunds, Robert S. Laramee, Rami Malki, Ian Masters, T. Nick Croft, Guoning Chen, and Eugene Zhang, "Automatic Stream Surface Seeding: A Feature-Centered Approach", Computer Graphics Forum, Vol 31(3), (EuroVis 2012), 2012, to appear.


Matthias Nieser, Jonathan Palacios, Konrad Polthier, and Eugene Zhang, "Hexagonal Global Parameterization of Arbitrary Surfaces", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 18(6), 2012, pp. 865-878.

Paper | Video

Andrzej Szymczak and Eugene Zhang, "Robust Morse Decompositions of Piecewise Constant Vector Fields", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 18(6), 2012, pp. 938-951.

Paper | Appendix

Guoning Chen, Qingqing Deng, Andrzej Szymczak, Robert S. Laramee, and Eugene Zhang, "Morse Set Classification and Hierarchical Refinement using Conley Index", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 18(5), 2012, pp.767-782.

Paper | Source Code

Chi-Han Peng, Eugene Zhang, Yoshihiro Kobayashi, and Peter Wonka, "Connectivity Editing for Quadrilateral Meshes", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol 30(6), 2011, (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011), Article 141.

Project Page | Paper | Video | Supplementary materials

Guoning Chen, Darrel Palke, Zhongzang Lin, Harry Yeh, Paul Vincent, Robert S. Laramee, and Eugene Zhang, "Asymmetric Tensor Field Visualization for Surfaces", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 17(12), 2011, (IEEE VisWeek 2011), pp. 1979-1988.

Project Page | Paper | Video

James Gregson, Alla Sheffer, and Eugene Zhang, "All-Hex Mesh Generation via Volumetric PolyCube Deformation", Computer Graphics Forum, Vol 30(5), 2011, (Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2011), pp. 1407-1416.


Jonathan Palacios and Eugene Zhang, "Interactive Visualization of Rotational Symmetry Fields on Surfaces", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 17(7), 2011, pp. 947-955.

Source code | Paper | Talk Slides

Yuanyuan Li, Bao Fan, Eugene Zhang, Yoshihiro Kobayashi, and Peter Wonka, "Geometry Synthesis on Surfaces Using Field-Guided Shape Grammars", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 17(2), 2011, pp. 231-243.


Mizuki Kagaya, William Brendel, Qingqing Deng, Todd Kesterson, Sinisa Todorovic, Patrick Neill, and Eugene Zhang, "Video Painting with Space-Time-Varying Style Parameters", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 17(1), 2011, pp. 74-87.

Project Page | Paper | Video | Source Code

Yuanyuan Li, Eugene Zhang, Yoshihiro Kobayashi, and Peter Wonka, "Editing Operations for Irregular Vertices in Triangle Meshes", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol 29(6), 2010, (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2010), Article 153.

Paper | Talk Slides and Videos

Tuan Pham, Rob Hess, Crystal Ju, Eugene Zhang, and Ronald Metoyer, "Visualization of Diversity in Large Multivariate Data Sets", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 16(6), 2010, (IEEE Information Visualization 2010), pp. 1053-1062.


Yu-Kun Lai, Miao Jin, Xuexiang Xie, Ying He, Jonathan Palacios, Eugene Zhang, Shi-Min Hu, and Xianfeng Gu, "Metric-Driven RoSy Field Design and Remeshing", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 16(1), 2010, pp. 95-108.


Greg Esch, Michael H. Scott, and Eugene Zhang, "Graphical 3D Visualization of Highway Bridge Ratings", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 23(6), 2009, pp. 355-362.


Benjamin Spencer, Robert S. Laramee, Guoning Chen, and Eugene Zhang, "Evenly Spaced Streamlines for Surfaces: An Image-Based Approach", Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 28(6), 2009, pp. 1618-1631.


Eugene Zhang, Harry Yeh, Zhongzang Lin, and Robert S. Laramee, "Asymmetric Tensor Analysis for Flow Visualization", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 15(1), 2009, pp. 106-122.

Project Page | Paper

Guoning Chen, Zhongzang Lin, Daniel Morse, Stephen Snider, Sourabh Apte, James Liburdy, and Eugene Zhang, "Multiscale Feature Detection in Unsteady Separated Flows", International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Vol. 5, 2008, pp. 17-35.


Kaichi Zhou, Eugene Zhang, Jiri Bittner, and Peter Wonka, "Visibility-Driven Mesh Analysis and Visualization through Graph Cuts", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 14(6), 2008, (IEEE Visualization 2008), pp. 1667-1674.

Paper | Video | Materials

Guoning Chen, Greg Esch, Peter Wonka, Pascal Mueller, and Eugene Zhang, "Interactive Procedural Street Modeling", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol 27(3), 2008, (SIGGRAPH 2008), Article 103.

Project Page (with source code) | Paper | Video

Guoning Chen, Konstantin Mischaikow, Robert S. Laramee and Eugene Zhang, "Efficient Morse Decompositions of Vector Fields", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 14(4), 2008, pp. 848-862.

Project Page | Paper | Source Code

Patrick J. Neill, Ron Metoyer, and Eugene Zhang , "Fluid Flow on Interacting Deformable Surfaces", Technical Report CS07-50-02, Oregon State University.

Technical Report

Jonathan Palacios and Eugene Zhang, "Rotational Symmetry Field Design on Surfaces", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol 26(3), 2007, (SIGGRAPH 2007), Article No. 55.

Project Page | Source code | Paper | Video | Talk Slides


Guoning Chen, Konstantin Mischaikow, Robert S. Laramee, Pawel Pilarczyk, and Eugene Zhang, "Vector Field Editing and Periodic Orbit Extraction Using Morse Decomposition", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 13(4), 2007, pp 769-785.

Project Page | Paper | Source Code

Eugene Zhang, James Hays, and Greg Turk, "Interactive Tensor Field Design and Visualization on Surfaces", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol 13(1), 2007, pp 94-107.

Project Page | Paper | Video | Talk Slides

Eugene Zhang, "Surface Topological Analysis for Image Synthesis" (Ph.D. thesis), 2004.

Project Page | Thesis

Eugene Zhang, Konstantin Mischaikow, and Greg Turk, "Vector Field Design on Surfaces", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol 25(4), 2006, pp. 1294-1326.

Project Page | Paper | Video

Eugene Zhang, Konstantin Mischaikow, and Greg Turk, "Feature-Based Surface Parameterization and Texture Mapping", ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol 24(1), 2005, pp. 1-27.

Project Page | Paper | Download parameterized models

Eugene Zhang and Greg Turk, "Visibility-Guided Simplification", Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2002, Boston, MA, October 27 - November 1, 2002, pp. 267-274.

Project Page | Paper | Talk Slides

John T. Stasko and Eugene Zhang, "Focus+Context Display and Navigation Techniques for Enhancing Radial, Space-Filling Hierarchy Visualizations", Proceedings of IEEE Information Visualization 2000, Salt Lake City, UT, October 2000, pp. 57-65.

Project Page | Paper | Video | An Implementation