Math 483/583 - Complex Variables - Spring 2020
Class Information
Instructor: Tuan Pham
Section 1
Class meetings: MWF 9:00 - 9:50 AM on Zoom. The invitation to join the meeting is as follows:
Join Zoom Meeting
Phone Dial-In Information
+1 971 247 1195 US (Portland)
+1 253 215 8782 US
+1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 778 042 9608
Join by Polycom/Cisco/Other Room System:
[Tentative calendar]
[Canvas site]
Office Hours
MWF 10:00 - 11:30 AM on Zoom. The invitation to join Zoom office hours is the same as above.
Lecture notes
Lecture 28 (Jun 5): applications of complex integral, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 27 (Jun 3): General Cauchy's Integral formula, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 26 (Jun 1): Cauchy's Integral formula (continued), video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 25 (May 29): Cauchy's Integral formula, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 24 (May 27): Cauchy-Goursat theorem, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 23 (May 22): Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for complex variable, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 22 (May 20): integration rules, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 21 (May 18): complex integration, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 20 (May 15): finding antiderivative, conformal mapping, complex functions as vector fields, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 19 (May 13): L'Hospital rule, conformal mapping, finding antiderivative, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 18 (May 11): differential rules, holomorphic functions, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 17 (May 8): differentiability of functions of complex variables; Cauchy-Riemann equations, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 16 (May 6): derivatives of function of real and complex variables, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 15 (May 1): midterm review, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 14 (Apr 29): region of continuity, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 13 (Apr 27): continuity of functions of complex variables (continued), video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 12 (Apr 24): continuity of functions of complex variables, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 11 (Apr 22): limit of sequences and functions, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 10 (Apr 20): inverse trigonometric functions, video, draft lecture notes
Lecture 9 (Apr 17): complex power of complex numbers, video
Lecture 8 (Apr 15): logarithm of complex numbers, video
Lecture 7 (Apr 13): geometric properties of the exponential function, video
Lecture 6 (Apr 10): solving cubic equations; exponential and trigonometric functions of complex variables, draft lecture notes (I forgot to record the video.)
Lecture 5 (Apr 8): solving quadratic equations, video
Lecture 4 (Apr 6): power and root of complex numbers, de Moivre's formula, video
Lecture 3 (Apr 3): geometric properties of complex numbers, notion of limit, video
Lecture 2 (Apr 1): discovery of complex number, algebraic properties, video
Lecture 1 (Mar 30): introduction, video
Remarks before / after class
Vector fields and complex integral
Midterm solution
Discontinuity and angles
For more interesting details about Linear Fractional Transformations, see Section 3.2 of Ponnusamy-Silverman's textbook.
Guessing region of continuity and visualizing multivalued functions
Mapping properties of the exponential function (continued)
Mapping properties of the exponential function
More examples on plotting with Mathematica
A tutorial on Overleaf (an online LaTeX editor) is here. Alternatively, an offline LaTeX editor can be downloaded here.
A simple template that can be used to write homework is here.
A quick guide on installing and plotting with Mathematica
Department of Mathematics
Oregon State University
![](osu-icon.ico) | This page was last modified on Saturday, June 6, 2020