Math 342 - Linear Algebra II - Winter 2020
Class Information
Instructor: Tuan Pham
TA: Matthias Merzenich
Section 20
Class meetings: Bexell Hall 412, MWF 11:00 - 11:50 AM
[Tentative calendar]
[Canvas site]
Office Hours
M, W, F 1:00 - 2:00 PM at Kidder Hall 268
Th 12:00 - 2:00 PM at Kidder Hall 268
W 2:00 - 3:00 PM at Kidder Hall 108 J (computer lab)
Lecture notes
Review (Mar 13): review for Final exam, link to Zoom video
Lecture 27 (Mar 11): more examples on adjoint operator; singular value decomposition
Lecture 26 (Mar 9): adjoint operator
Lecture 25 (Mar 6): another minimizing problem (least-square method)
Lecture 24 (Mar 4): example of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure; minimizing problem (cont.)
Lecture 23 (Mar 2): example of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure; minimizing problem
Lecture 22 (Feb 28): finding orthogonal projection; Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure
Lecture 21 (Feb 26): orthogonal basis and orthogonal projection
Lecture 20 (Feb 24): examples of inner products and norms
Lecture 19 (Feb 21): normed spaces
Lecture 18 (Feb 19): inner product space; norm induced by the inner product
Lecture 17 (Feb 17): basis that diagonalizes a linear map; inner product
Lecture 16 (Feb 14): checking if a linear map is diagonalizable
Lecture 15 (Feb 12): a direct method to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Lecture 14 (Feb 7): continue an example of finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Lecture 13 (Feb 5): eigenvalues, eigenspaces and eigenvectors; coordinate-based method
Lecture 12 (Feb 3): invariant subspaces
Lecture 11 (Jan 31): direct sum of two or more vector spaces
Lecture 10 (Jan 29): finding basis of the sum of two vector spaces
Lecture 9 (Jan 27): an application of rank-nullity theorem; sum of two vector spaces
Lecture 8 (Jan 24): relations among null space, range space, column space, row space; rank-nullity theorem
Lecture 7 (Jan 22): range space, null space, rank, nullity
Lecture 6 (Jan 17): matrix represenatation of linear maps, null space
Lecture 5 (Jan 15): linear maps
Lecture 4 (Jan 13): basis and dimension
Lecture 3 (Jan 10): subspace, linear combination, spanning set
Lecture 2 (Jan 8): definition of vector spaces and examples
Lecture 1 (Jan 6): introduction
Remarks before / after class
Final review
Linear Algebra Done Right -- videos
Midterm exam solution
Midterm review
Instructions to install Matlab
Department of Mathematics
Oregon State University
| This page was last modified on Saturday, March 14, 2020.